Saturday 30 June 2012

The Female of The Species (Is Funnier Than The Male?)

Well, no I don’t think so....

What’s that I hear you say? You’re not sticking up for your own female clan? You bad woman!
Well yes, I am a bad woman (especially on a weekend, but that’s not for here) and not to worry, I will explain why...

I did mention that I’d be doing a blog entry focusing on the world of women who go into comedy or ‘funny girls’ as it were, and here it is! I also mentioned that it might not be what you were expecting.
You’d think with my main goal wanting to enter into the world of comedy, that I’d be all for ‘funny girls’ but I’m not, I’m really not, because all in all, I personally don’t think women are funny. 

*Hears the sound of people falling to floor* - ‘Oh, please! Don’t be so dramatic, get up you twonks!’

I have my reasons...It’s rare that I’m a ‘fan’ of female comedians, all my comedy heroes and idols are men and that’s how I like it (and no, it’s not because I “fancy” them, god, you’re so childish!...well, maybe it is a little)

I have my exceptions though of course, those being Kathy Burke, Tamsin Greig and Victoria Wood (& I was also partial to Ellie Taylor on ITV1’s ‘Show Me The Funny’.)  And that, guys and gals is the lot, in generations of female comedians; those are the only ones that I consider funny...

I can’t really tell you why I don’t really find female comedians funny, I just don’t. Although, I have a few theories. The main one being that they play on the fact of being a woman; all their jokes are about woman’s problems...& I’m sorry but I don’t find your boyfriend dumping you and you eating a chocolate cake the size of a house very funny, and neither should you, love...
By doing that they’re already separating themselves and making themselves the minority, yes, tell us things about your life but don’t make it specifically about you being a women, that cuts you off with the audience straight away! 

I also find that most women ‘try’ too hard to be funny; they’re always trying to make up for the fact that they’re not a guy and it just ends up cringe worthy! That’s it! That’s the word; I have always found women in comedy to be cringe worthy. That’s just the way it is.
And I know it’s a really stupid view to have, I should be sticking up for funnier fairer sex and have rafts of funny female idols, but that’s just not the case.
I do admire them immensely for what they do, I think they’re really brave but I think most go about it in the wrong way, that’s what I don’t agree with...

It could also be that I’m not actually a fan of my own gender in general (I know, you don’t like were this is going, it’s ok, because neither do I...I’m not sure I know where it’s going to be honest)
I don’t like women, of course, I love my Mum and sister dearly and have a good few close female friends, but I have always got along better with men.
In my humble opinion, women are (for the most part) bitchy, cutting, ‘cliquey’ and cruel (steady on, madam!) and I have always had better experiences in friendships with men and of course, in this shallow world we live in, that can get people thinking the ‘wrong’ way about you, but everyone is entitled to their own choices in this world. I know quite a few women who think the exact same way as me (& no, they’re not in prison or transsexuals.)

Plus, most women (probably including some of my friends in this) don’t really ‘get’ me, because most of them aren’t into comedy so they probably just think I’m a bit ‘weird’ and that’s perfectly fine, I think you’re boring and have the sense of humour of a brick...c’est la vie...

And I realise that this may be offensive to some women out there, especially those who want to go into comedy (offending people wasn’t the intent of this blog, I know they may be hard to believe) but let me tell you something, you can’t shout at me...because dearest, I am also a women who wants to go in I’m technically bashing myself (please, don’t take that wrong or this blog could go in a completely different direction, and none of us want that.)

And it’s ok because I don’t think I’m that funny, people just tell me that I am but I never really believe them and I’m so deluded by the ‘funny’ world that I just want to give it a shot anyway, despite how I’ll be perceived by people – and I never play the ‘woman’ card and haven’t done in the sets I’ve written, I play it neutral, granted there’s the odd thing in there that could only be said by a woman but I’ve tried to keep it as ‘general’ as possible. 

People don’t want to hear about my latest relationship/date disaster or my PMT and I personally don’t want to tell them... 

Or it could all just be down to the fact that I’m not really a woman and I’m actually a man called Steve who has been dressing up as a woman called ‘Sarah’ and has been fooling you all for years and all this has made me resent the female race...

(For those of you wondering, It isn’t that, I am just self bashing (oh ssh!))

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