Monday 11 February 2013

The Returned Ramblings of a Comedy Nerd...

*sneaks in with flare and miscellaneous weaponry *

Hello there! It's been a long, long time, hasn't it? This was all fields the last time I was here.
Ahhh, by gone days. Okay, I know it hasn't been THAT long but really, September since I last updated? That's bad, I can only apologize and offer up my sincerest, grovelling apologises to anyone who actually cared or noticed my absence from this here' blog. I feel for you, obviously have no life, you poor sod.

I have been busy with that thing called life. With it's twists and turns and it's downright urge and drive to stop me doing anything remotely fun. (Damn it to hell!)
But yes, mainly University and a few personal problems (no, I'm not dying...but my Cat has gone crazy...I kid you not) is what has prevented me from updating for so long, such is life, and I shall spare you the details, with this being a 'comedy' blog rather than a devastating life story blog.
The topic of my return shall be that of the problems and strife (I know I said no devstating-ness but bare with me, it is comedy related) of being a fanatic of comedy, or a 'comedy nerd' as I like to call it...and other people like to call me. (Bastards!)

These days it is very socially acceptable to be a part of the alternative crowd or a 'geek' as I always have classed myself as. Partly because I don't know what else to call myself, I feel like I never really fitted into any 'category' except for maybe being on the 'strangely strange' pile. I have always been very 'alternative' except my version of 'alternative' has never really fitted any other person's 'alternative.'

As most people will know by now (& certainly if you've read this blog from the I'll know if you're lying...*points evilly*) I've loved comedy from a very young age and it has practically been my main point of interest over the years. Sure,  I've always loved animals, music and the 'spooky stuff' and other things have come and gone in my life over the years (those 5 years in M16 for one...oops, that's that secret out), but comedy has always usually been number one in my list of 'interests.'

And over the years my mind has collected fairly useless rafts of information on any number of comedians and comedy shows and the whole history of comedy to be fair..... and where does this information come in handy? I'll be honest, not many places...I've tried it at funerals, &,  strangely enough, it never goes down well.
It doesn't go down too well anywhere to be honest.

& surprisingly, saying, 'Did you know that Graham Chapman of Monty Python fame was gay, had an adopted son and his ashes are now scattered over Snowdonia?' isn't an effective way of breaking an awkward silence at a dinner date...
I sometimes where I can put all this interesting comedy crap that's spilling over in my brain, that was what prompted me to start this wreck of blog...and sometimes I ponder over writing a book some day...but would someone buy a book called 'Interesting Comedy Crap?' which wouldn't really have any structure or genre, it'd just be full of random tid bits of comedy....maybe someone with more money than sense...(just politicians then.)

I know a lot of people like comedy but I've always been a tad 'over the top' with it, it was more or less my life for awhile and dreams of wanting to work in the comedy industry prompted a very big career change and going back into education after many years.
So I wonder where people like me belong (apart from maybe the Looney Bin), we're not computer nerds, hardcore gamers, skater boys, rock stars or chess enthusiasts (well, some of us might be) where do us comedy nerds go to get relief and solace from the taunts of the outside world? I'm still in fact looking for that place and it consumes me.

Thankfully though, I have found a good few people who are as fanatic about comedy as me...some are even nerds over the good old classic stuff (also, like me), but those wonderful, sob huggingly ace people are very few and far between I'm afraid.
So even starting some kind of comedy AA group would be extremely thin on the ground, it'd probably just be me, maybe one other person, a cat, a pigeon and a dripping tap...and maybe a homeless person who just wants to come in from the cold and have a bit of a giggle at some people who have less friends than he does.

So yes, my nerdiness is a very rare form of nerdiness, one that doesn't really put me into any category apart from maybe as stated earlier, a bit 'odd.'
Add that to me being a crazy cat woman, a witch who is slightly psychic and a general neurotic, over worrier who would even worry and freak out if she would millions on the lottery, thinking that the cheque wouldn't clear or about the money disappearing into thin air....and you've got a person who doesn't, hasn't, and never probably will fit into any category.
BUT, all is not lost, I must admit. As I, dear invisible reader, found out about something very special a few months back.

A University for it.....comedy practices!! *cue holy music *
What is this magical fuckery and can it be true? Was my first response... and upon further research, yes it was true, there is a performance degree that specializes in Comedy.
This glorious wonderment of education is currently being held at Salford University and for a while I was clicking my heels with excitement, as my current Theatre degree which I am studying at the moment, would allow me to enter this magical world once I've completed it...and for a while, this was the plan. I imagined meeting more of these versions of me who have completely thrown the idea of logical careers into the bin and who must have completely comedy haddled minds such as myself, if they want to get in debt for and study intensively for two to three years for it.
I was in anticipatory heaven.

But alas, it isn't meant to be, as it means studying for an extra two years after my current degree finishes in May this year. Sadly, I can neither afford, nor face another two years in education, even if it is for my beloved comedy brethren.
So that dream has crashed and burned a long with my sanity. It will always be a nice thought in the back of my brain though (a long with the tires and springs and embarassing memories), that maybe that long wanted solace and magical place for the lost comedy nerd is out there after all....

.....and it's in Salford...huh, can't win all ways I suppose?

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